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rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers

Posted: April 25th, 2024, 10:00 am
by FiestaZero
I can't transfer an account to the backup server, how do I solve the problem?

[24/Apr/2024 22:26:32 +0000] [PID 768378] FTP Accounts Backup
[24/Apr/2024 22:26:32 +0000] [PID 768378] Transferring account "wlzhwdjl" backup to destination ""
[24/Apr/2024 22:49:07 +0000] [PID 768378] [ERROR] Failed transferring account "wlzhwdjl" backup to destination "". Error: overflow: xflags=0x20fa l1=255 l2=980 lastname=public_html/wp-content/<?php / phpcs:ignore WordPress.Files.FileName\#012/**\#012 * Autoload Processor.\#012 *\#012 * @package automattic/jetpack-autoloader\#012 */\#012\#012/ phpcs:disable WordPress.Files.FileName.InvalidClassFileName\#012/ phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.MethodNameInvalid\#012/ phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase\#012/ phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.InterpolatedVariableNotSnakeCase\#012/ phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.VariableNotSnakeCase\#012/ phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.PropertyNotSnakeCase\#012\#012namespace Automattic\\Jetpack\\Autoloader;\#012\#012/**\#012 * Class AutoloadProcessor.\#012 */\#012class AutoloadProcessor {\#012\#012 /**\#012 * A callable for scanning a directory for all of its classes.\#012 *\#012 * @var callable\#012 */\#012 private $classmapScanner;\#012\#012 /**\#012 * A callable for transforming a path into one to be used in code.\#012 *\#012 * @var callable\#012 */\#012 private $pathCodeTransformer;\#012\#012 [receiver]
ERROR: buffer overflow in recv_file_entry [receiver]
rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at util2.c(145) [receiver=3.2.2]

Re: rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers

Posted: April 26th, 2024, 7:43 am
by JetAppsTrenton
Hello Fiesta,

Thank you for your inquiry! The rysnc error indicates an issue with the filename "public_html/wp-content/<?php". Kindly modify the unsupported characters in the filename. Additionally, you may exclude the file from the backup job.

While JetBackup supports almost every character for filenames (UTF-8), there are special characters/symbols that are generally best avoided as there are specific limitations across various filesystems and storage destinations which can cause unintended issues with backups.

You may find more information in the link below. ... nd-folders

Once the filename has been corrected, kindly rerun the backup job. Feel free to get back to us in this forum if the issue persists!

Best regards,

Trenton V.
JetApps, LLC. |